Hey Party People! It's your favorite nerds from The Block Party, aka: BP Fun, where all things nerdy collide! We have TTRPG campaigns, a nerdy podcast, comic book content, and much more! Thank you for joining us on this journey and we look forward to sharing our passions with you!


Featured Content!

The nerdiest podcast in the galaxy brings you controversy, debates, and news on all things nerdy! From Star Wars & Anime to Marvel & DC!

A brand new series has been added to the channel where we compare some of the TV Series we love and compare them to their comic book counterparts such as: Invinicble, The Boys, The Walking Dead, and more!

Have you ever wanted to know who'd win in a fight? Goku vs. Saitama? Batman vs. Superman? Well. you get to in our newest fan match-up series called: VERSUS!

 The Party Crew!

Founder of The Block Party, and editor, Cpt. Zeus streams and writes stories in his free time.